the Saatchi Gallery in London holds a collection of contemporary art, it was opened in 1985. The majority of work is displayed on white walls where as other work can be displayed around the room. It is positioned mostly to enable visitors to view all of the work as they walk around. There is nothing in the room apart from the work and a small plaque explaining who created the work, the materials used and its size.
The part of the exhibition which caught my eye the most was a large glass case full of real insects which had models of humans riding them, these are hung using string and create a scene in which people are riding insects. The piece is named 'swarm', this is very fitting and suits the piece. I like this piece of art because it is very busy and has a lot going on, it also is not recognisable until you look at it close up you are mislead into thinking it is a tank full of dead insects.
Another exhibit which caught my eye was 'Nendo- thin black lines'. This piece of art took up the entire room and visitors had to walk through it, there were sculptures around the room created with black material which represented tables or chairs, at first glance they didn't seem to work and you would not think that they were able to be used but the way they were created meant this was just an illusion.
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